Most of the SEO Company and SEO individuals are having nightmares these days. Why So? Because of Google continuous updates specially from last 9 months Google become more active to change their algorithm in a regular basis. They have already introduced Google panda, Google Penguin and EMD update. Which drop several websites positions, most the people were hit by these updates. Google said that they are trying to stop web spam and they are looking for quality contents from now.
I highly appreciate it. I think it’s time for the article directory owners to publish the quality articles only and unique contents as they were hit by these update as they contain some low quality contents in their directories. They should maintain their directory properly so that they will have a good response and also it will be benefit able for quality writers. I guarantee writes are having nightmares these days because of low quality contents, provided by Indians, Pakistani and Bangladeshi writers.
I am not against Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi I am against worthless writers who don’t have sense what they are writing and even who provide worse article in cheap. Also it’s not their fault as well. I have noticed these days clients ran after cheap service even the quality is going to be worse but when they get hit by any update than they fire them and look for a better option and also they specify people from IND, PAK & BD don’t apply for this job. I mean what’s wrong them it’s you who hire them for cheap and no you don’t need people from those region even talented ones? It’s funny and it’s frustrating as well.
I think client should go for the experience and talented person so that they will be able to get a good result. But most of them used to play Monopoly with cheap and inexperience service providers and when they were unable to show result they start cursing, but they don’t have right to do so as by knowing it could be happen they just try their luck.So from now I will suggest to those clients choose the best provider or SEO Company from the beginning so that you will be able to see result stop playing Monopoly.
Anyway, by the recent Google updates Google open the doors for experience, talented and hardworking people. As these kinds of companies and individuals were unable to work in this competitive markets as people used to apply in jobs in a rate which they were unable to bit. But I hope it’s time for them to get back into work. As people who are wise only going to hire the experience and talented once.From an Online Computer Store to Online Cloth Store most of them lose their position and they are looking for to hire the best ones now to get back into position once again.
As they lose their position because of worse service, by worse SEO Companies and individuals. So SEO and link building isn’t a nightmare only to those SEO Companies and individuals who know what they are doing and who understand the actual meaning of quality.